Week Two Review - Elizabeth Hightower
Same deal this week. Do the reading, work the quiz, and post what you feel like posting - questions about the quiz or your shot at quiz answers. Discussion of these topics is encouraged.
- Describe (in words) what the following selectors will match. For
example, the selector
div + p
matches "Anyp
element that immediately follows adiv
element." [Link to first answer.]
body * p li em a
Any a element that is a descendant of em, that is a descendant of li, that is a descendant of p that is any descendant of body.
div[class] + div * * > [href]
any href that is a child of any element that is a descendant of any element that is a descendant of div that is a sybling (immediately follows) a div with the class atribute.
* * > * + * + * p * > * *
any element that is a descendant of any element that is a child of any descendant of p that immediately follows an element that immediately follows any element that is a child of any descendant of any element.
div > p:first-child a
an a element that is a descendant of any p that is also the first-child of any div element
p#green > span + code[id] em
any em element that is a descendant of a code element with an id that immediately follows a span element that is a child of a p with an id attribute of green
- Using the specificity notation from section 6.4.3
of the CSS2 specification (0,0,0) provide the specificity of the following
selectors. [Link to first answer.]
* > * + * * * * * > * a
0 0 1
body h1 + div div p:first-child + div p span em a
0 1 11
h1#first + h2#second + div#main
3 0 3
div:first-child > * > li:first-child
0 2 2
body > h1.opener
0 1 2
- Given the document pointed to in this link, state which
style declarations (properties and values) will apply to the following
portions of markup identified in the document. [Link to first answer.]
- Portion 1 (Paragraph - "Three important things to remember:")
I didn't know these right off the bat, but I went over the quiz answers, and I think I get it
font-style: normal; (inherited from body rule)
font-variant: small-caps; (inherited from body rule)
font-size: 12px; (inherited from body rule)
line-height: 16px; (inherited from body rule)
font-family: arial, sans-serif; (inherited from div#main rule)
font-weight: bold; (from p rule - direct match)
background: yellow; (from p rule - direct match)
color: red; (from div#main > p rule - direct match)
- Portion 2 (List item - "Don't worry, be happy!")
font-variant: small-caps; (from body)
font-size: 12px; (from body)
line-height: 16px; (from body)
font-family: arial, sans-serif; (from div#main)
font-weight: normal; (from div#main)
color: green; (from ol li)
background: orange; (from ol li)
font-style: italic; (from ol li)
- Portion 1 (Paragraph - "Three important things to remember:")
- Write a single selector to accomplish each of the instructions
stated below. The instructions apply to the document pointed to
in this link.
[Link to first answer.]
- Boldface the "normal.html" link and the only e-mail link in the
a:first-child { font-weight: bold; }
- Draw a blue border around the list item "Never let 'em see you sweat."
li:first-child + li { border: 1px solid blue; }
- Color the
<a href="mailto:scott@sdm.com">
link green when it has been visited. This style should not apply to any other links in the document.
p.footer > a:first-child:visited { color: green; background: transparent; }
- Boldface the "normal.html" link and the only e-mail link in the
- Draw a document tree for the document presented in question #4.