Dear John,
I recently learned of a great new class at the IWA-HWG called the "Intermediate CSS Workshop." I'm thrilled to be able to take the class and apply some of the CSS I've been learning over the past few months. And I've heard that the instructors are just fantastic!!! Wow, they must be good! After this there's even a chance to take a class with Eric Meyer! You know him, right? That's the Eric Meyer who has written several books on the subject of cascading style sheets. In fact, he wrote the textbook for the workshop that I'm doing now. This is great!
Well, anyhow, we're going to be applying all the basics we learned in the introductory class in this workshop - in projects we'll knock out every week. Another thing I like about this workshop is that it's not like a lot of other classes, where you get a "Pass" just for showing up. These instructors seem to have some "backbone" and they're going to make the course tough. There will actually be a chance to fail! And that's a rarity at IWA-HWG! I sure do hope I pass, especially after paying as much as I did for the course. I think I will pass. I'll put in my best effort and with the great instructors, it's almost guaranteed. Did I mention about the great instructors in this class? Wow! I'm psyched! I wish you could take the class with me. Hey! Why don't you??? Then we could both have fun applying all this high-speed CSS and interacting with these great instructors! Think about it, will ya?
Some Workshop Topics:
- Complex Selectors
- Specificity & Inheritance
- Liquid Design
- DOCTYPE Switching
- Alternate Media
- Hiding Styles
Don't those topics sound exciting and (even) exotic?! I hope you can make it, John! I can't wait!
Your friend,
PS: Also, John, check out the neat little list of links at the top right of this page. Isn't that a nice feature?! And aren't those some great links?! I love the border, the hover effects and the red-white-blue theme!