Choose from the chapters in the list to the left and then choose the section you want to view the code for. The code will be displayed in this area. If you want to view the code in a seperate window, choose the Split control at the top of the table of contents, and the TOC panel and example window will seperate into two windows. Click it again to reconnect them.
The bestselling book on CSS and DHTML has been updated for its 4th Edition to include Ajax, updates for Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, Safari 2, and Opera 9 and an expanded list of browser safe fonts.
This Web site is to be used along side of the book to provide readers with feedback to questions, a place to download resources, and an interface for vewing all of the code found within the book. To get started, use the menu to the left.
CSS, DHTML, and Ajax is now available from finer bookstores (on and off line) everywhere.